When things like buttons, faders, Backlights behind buttons, encoders and DMX are suspected to be an issue, your first stop should be to run Hardware Test. This app lets you verify that the issue is not with the software, and is indeed with the hardware.

Step 1 - Power on the Console and open the control panel. This can be accessed by the keyboard shortcut "Windows + S" or by going to the "More" menu on the bottom right of the screen then selecting "Control Panel"

Step 2 - Click the Maintenance Tab on the Right Side, then "Force Software Only Shutdown" (Highlighted in a red box below). Lastly Run "Hardware Test" (Highlighted in green box below)

Step 3 - Hardware Test. Depending on your console you will have several options on the tabs at the top of the window.

Faders - You can run these up and down on the console and watch them move on the screen, you can also use the mouse or touchscreen to move the on screen fader, the physical motorized fader (if equipped on your console) should move as well.

Encoders / Screens - Each encoder can be rotated in both directions as well as test the push button of each encoder. The screens can be tested via button on this tab as well.

Buttons / LEDs - Some buttons are multi color, each press of the button should cycle through all of the colors that button has to offer - the on screen display should match what color the button is.

DMX & Midi / SMPTE - DMX outputs/input can be tested by taking a 5 pin DMX patch cable from the input to each output and clicking on the appropriate button. It will send data and expect to see the same data at the input. This can also be used as a quick and dirty cable tester.

If you have any questions feel free to submit a support ticket or contact VLS Service at 216-475-7600 x5502