- Insert the media into the front of the P-ACP
- Press the check mark to go to the Main Menu
- Scroll to File Operations and press the check mark
- Scroll to Save Arch Config and press the check mark
- Choose the Save to… for the correct media and press the check mark. This will place a file named “Paradigm_cfg1.pcf” onto your media.
- After the DO NOT REMOVE MEDIA message goes away, press the < button several times until you’re at the main screen of your PACP.
- Remove the media and insert into your computer to copy the file to safe place, or attach it to an email for sending.
These are instructions along with a video and more details can be found at https://support.etcconnect.com/ETC/Architectural/Paradigm/Paradigm_Architectural_Control_Processor_(P-ACP)/Software/How_to_Save_Config_File_From_a_Paradigm_Architectural_Control_Processor.
To Load a congiuration in to the system from your Dealer - Repeat the process above, however this time use "Load Arch Config" menu.