1. Insert the media into the front of the P-ACP
  2. Press the check mark to go to the Main Menu
  3. Scroll to File Operations and press the check mark
  4. Scroll to Save Arch Config and press the check mark
  5. Choose the Save to… for the correct media and press the check mark. This will place a file named “Paradigm_cfg1.pcf” onto your media.
  6. After the DO NOT REMOVE MEDIA message goes away, press the < button several times until you’re at the main screen of your PACP.
  7. Remove the media and insert into your computer to copy the file to safe place, or attach it to an email for sending.

These are instructions along with a video and more details can be found at https://support.etcconnect.com/ETC/Architectural/Paradigm/Paradigm_Architectural_Control_Processor_(P-ACP)/Software/How_to_Save_Config_File_From_a_Paradigm_Architectural_Control_Processor.

To Load a congiuration in to the system from your Dealer - Repeat the process above, however this time use "Load Arch Config" menu.